Please report any concerns following your treatment per below:
For medical emergencies call 911, otherwise:
- LaVida Chandler: 480-629-4985
- LaVida Mesa: 480-844-2767
For URGENT after hours treatment concerns:
- If there is no answer, text or call Muschi at 602-292-4605
- If there is no answer, text or call the General Manager at 480-266-1291
- If there is no answer, repeat, or if symptoms worsen, call 911.
-Antibiotic use within 10 days
-Dental work/cleanings within 2 weeks
-Active cold sore or fever blister
-Vaccines/Flu shots within 2 weeks
Preparing for your appointment
•Please arrive with a clean face or arrive 15 minutes early and let the front desk know so they can assist you.
•Eat high protein meals prior to your appointment.
•Try to avoid alcohol, fish oils, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin or other over the counter blood thinners for 7 days prior to your appointment. If you are on blood thinners for medical reasons, please let us know ahead of time.
•To help minimize bruising as well as speed up healing, we recommend Arnica Montana (available at LaVida, if needed). Place 3 or 4 pellets under your tongue, 3 times a day, the day before your appointment and the morning of your appointment.
•Sign up for Allergan’s Alle Loyalty Rewards program through the manufacturer, if desired, to earn rewards and save on future treatments. The applicable link is below. Please bring in your username to receive points.
-For Kybella:
•Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours – ice for 15 minutes on every hour
•Do not massage the injection site
•If you are able to tolerate ibuprofen take 200mg three times daily beginning the day of your treatment and for the following four days
•Avoid heavy exercise the day of your treatment
Please report any significant, swelling, bleeding, pain, dusky discoloration, difficulty swallowing or smiling, or fever occurs following your treatment.